
Quick Parts In Excel 2013
quick parts in excel 2013

Figure 1: AutoText command in Insert Menu.There are a lot of different approaches to saving time with email. Click the Menus tab Click the Insert drop down menu Click the Quick Parts item Then you will view the AutoText sub-item. It’s so easy to get lost in your inbox and look up to find you’ve wasted three hours and haven’t gotten any of your real work done.Classic Menu for Office brings back classic view into Ribbon of Office 2007/2010/2013/2016/2019 with familiar drop down menus and toolbar. After you save a selection to the Quick Part Gallery, you can reuse the selection by clicking Quick Parts and choosing the selection from the gallery.Get free cheat sheets for Microsoft Excel, Word, Access, Outlook, PowerPoint, Windows 10, and more These handy quick references can be printed or shared.If you’re one of the millions of people who use Outlook on a daily basis, you’re probably looking for any way you can to save time with your email. On the Insert tab, in the Text group, click Quick Parts, and then click Save Selection to Quick Part Gallery. Select a phrase, sentence, or other portion of your document.

I’m here today to talk about another option available to you, assuming you’re using Outlook. You can even use tools to voice your emails, under the assumption that you talk faster than you type.When inserting a Quick Parts entry, position the cursor where you want the text in the email message and then do the following: Click the Insert tab. You can apply communication habits that minimize the amount of time you spend writing replies.

Storing your business Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP information) so you can simply paste in a snippet instead of typing it over and over. They can be as long or as short as you want, and they can include text, images, tables, and even formatting.There are a lot of different uses for Quick Parts, and the only limit is your creativity. They’re something like a middle ground between a canned email and a text expander shortcut. They’re very cool and can help a lot when composing emails, particularly when you’re composing basically the same thing day in and day out.Quick Parts are basically stored chunks of content. This is one area where Outlook’s default configuration shines.What I’m talking about are Quick Parts, a feature Microsoft introduced in Outlook 2007 as an expansion of a previous feature, AutoText.

quick parts in excel 2013

So what makes Quick Parts different?For one thing, Quick Parts can handle formatting and tables within Outlook itself. Apps like AutoHotKey, TextExpander, Alfred, and others can all do similar things. How Are Quick Parts Different from Other Options?If you’re reading this and you’re thinking “I can do that with X other app”, well, you’re maybe right.

Some of these other apps require a lot of additional configuration before you can get rolling with them.And, of course, Quick Parts is free. I’ll go into how to set it up in a moment, but it’s actually very easy. If your AutoHotKey app crashes, you have to fight with getting it back before you can proceed with your email, for example.Another benefit is that Quick Parts doesn’t require much configuration. You don’t need to have a third party program running to use them, which can run into issues with syncing across different devices. The same goes for images Quick Parts can save images for use in a part, where many of these other expander options do not.For another thing, Quick Parts is a built-in part of Outlook.

For example, you might write down your name, address, and phone number. Creating a New Quick PartCreating a new Quick Part is incredibly easy.First, open up a new email, or an email you’re working on, it doesn’t really matter so long as it’s the compose dialogue box.Next, write what you want to have saved as a quick part. You don’t need to buy or maintain an installation of another app, it’s just right there for you.

It’s not always slow, but it could be, so fair warning.Once you have your Quick Part typed up, including any tables, images, graphics, media, and formatting, highlight it. The only caveat is that if your intended Quick Part has a lot of media, particularly large images, using it might be a bit slow. I figure you’re not likely to write anything long enough to trigger it one way or the other. I’ve never encountered a character limit in using them, though I also haven’t tried to push the envelope. You might write down the salutation and introduction to an email, or the sign-off and signature portion if you’re not using built-in signatures in Outlook.A Quick Part can be as long as you want it to be, as far as I know.

quick parts in excel 2013

This is an optional description you can use to remind yourself what a Quick Part is. For example, if you make three different levels of contact information (NAP, NAP + map, NAP + social links) you can save them all in one NAP category. If you have a lot of them for similar purposes, it can make sense to group them. These are like sub-folders for Quick Parts. Just save it in the Quick Parts gallery for ease of use.

The last one isn’t useful for email.Once you have this information configured, simply save the Quick Part by clicking OK. You can choose to insert the content as is, insert it as its own paragraph regardless of where your cursor is placed, or insert it into its own page. Just leave it as is unless you have a good reason to change it.

When you come to a point where you want to insert a Quick Part, type in the NAME of the Quick Part as you saved it. If you’re familiar with your Quick Parts, this is the fastest method to use them.To use this method, simply write your email as normal. This method is fast replacement method.

quick parts in excel 2013

The first is that you have to remember to catch the suggestion and use it, which can be annoying if you’re using to typing quickly. If you type more, or type something that breaks from the name of the Quick Part, the suggestion will disappear and the Enter key will simply revert to a carriage return.There are three drawbacks to this method. This suggestion will show you the first few words of the Quick Part, so you know which one it’s choosing.If you want to insert that Quick Part, all you need to do is hit Enter while the suggestion is visible. If you start typing a phrase that matches the name of a Quick Part, a suggestion will pop up.

Quick Parts In Excel 2013 Manual Selection Method

If you don’t remember the name of your Quick Part, or if you have a lot of similarly-named Quick Parts, or if you don’t use Quick Parts often enough to learn the automatic methods, this method is the best.To use this method, simply position your cursor a the point in your email where you want the Quick Part inserted. This third method is the manual selection method. The third is that this method only works for Quick Parts that are only text it does not work for Quick Parts that include images.The Selection Method.

You can also right-click to choose to insert it at the beginning or end of the document as well. If you want to insert one of them, simply click it to insert it. This will bring up a few of your common Quick Parts as a preview of your gallery.

quick parts in excel 2013